Sunday, September 15, 2013

THE INN at the QUAY – September 8, 2013

“The McMillan – Marlatt Wedding”

Thank you, Devon!  We have a new Marlatt in the family.  What a happy, relaxed, sweet occasion we enjoyed.  Dear Megan.  We are all very lucky to have you join the family.  What a treasure!

Megan and her sister Laura spent hours making paper tissue flowers: these great flowers covered the wedding arch; they framed the wedding cake; and were the perfect backdrop for the dance floor. (Hundreds! I’m sure).  The colours were mauve, turquoise, and white for the wedding arch and the cake display.

For the dance floor the colours went wild… as did the dancing. Tavia… you were great.  Thanks for getting me out on the dance floor.

Megan had three very lovely bridesmaids in purple gowns, lifelong friends. One friend since they started grade school and two since their junior high school days.  Trish and her friend Carol did all the flowers for the dinner tables… starting at 8:30a that morning.  (Thank God for moms!  This sentiment was expressed several times throughout the speeches to both Patricia and Betty.) The flowers were white hydrangea with sprigs of mauve freesia…. a few mauve roses too? Beautiful.

The Cake Table

Devon…. What a man!  Such a big smile and so easy going all afternoon and evening.  AND what good friends you have!  Again, long term friends… 18 years???  Great guys to accompany you on your wedding day.  Loved the tennis shoes… and the cigars when they made their entrance after the picture taking.  What I remember most are the happy smiles.

The guys in their tennis shoes

Everyone in the wedding party took their turn offering a short speech. Thank you each one for being so brave and giving us a chance to get to know you… and your relationships with Devon and Megan.  So well done.  The only senior member of the family to speak was Roy… having great fun reminding Devon of embarrassing moments; and giving sage advice for married life (our family expert!!).

We all sent in our favourite ol’time song, so dancing was great!  To say nothing of the mountains of yummy food.  More than a dozen deserts!  Who’s the desert lover??? Megan???  Well … dear little 4 year old Bella (Isabella) enjoyed her share.  Roy whispered it was a half dozen cream puffs (they were little) that she managed at her first go around at the desert table… Is that right Rene?  Do take a look at the video of her tossing the rose petals.  Sweet.  Well done, Bella.

Thank you, Megan and Devon, for your gift to us… a box of ‘little things’ as a symbol that it is the little things that make the world go ‘round.  How true.  Bless you both, Devon and Megan, in your years to come. 


Rene & Chris

 Barri, Rene, Chris, Roy

 Patricia and Tavia

 Paula… getting ready to go

** If you are having trouble viewing the videos click on the title below to go to the Youtube video.